nEGAPADRES.3.3.47 have appeared as forelast band at the Berlin Bruit festival on August 30th 2008. nEGAPADRES.3.3. played in fifth order, just before the headline Sutcliffe Jugend.
The stage featured a large screen on which was displayed a movie by JCS@47 eHPOTSIRHC-nAEJ, and four wooden stands holding dead sheep heads. Two more sheep heads were used by J@3 sEUQCAJ during the performance. S@3 eVETS was present on stage in the shape of a fake dead parrot, in a box.
The gig featured old nEGAPADRES.3.3. (formerly also à;GRUMH… mystical style tracks) prepared by S3 and J3, plus basis added by JCS47, such as Ganja, Ommado-Weeeii, Rebirth, Negakristus, Transe Ov Exstrophy and several new tracks.
The concert was a total length of one hour, during which the audience was very participative and interested, dancing in transe and staying very focused and connected.
A video recording of this gig was made with two cameras, and should be available at some point. Sadly, the main source of audio recording suffered a technical problem and will not be usable. Enjoy these few photos of this memorable gig.