à;GRUMH… logo on a jacket, of one of the characters in one of the pages of the new comic book « Le Ferry » by Xavier Beteaucourt and Thierry Bouüaert.
Many bands of the early 80’s era are mentionned here and there. In that last page, the names on the side of the bar are famous Belgian punk and post-punk/new wave period such as Mad Virgins, X-Pulsion, etc.
Some of these bands featured some old musician friends including the late Micky Mike (from Snowy Red who was à;GRUMH…’s sound engineer from 1987 to 1990) and the sadly also late Jerry WX who played with us from 1988 to 1991.
The book is in french, set in the Brussels and London punk scene, and the book is published on Editions Delcourt / Mirage.
More information (including a playlist of music mentioned in the book) …