Excellent sound quality and JΔ7 cRAM-NAEJ singing! You can spend quite some time browsing through à;GRUMH… stuff on YouTube.
Category Archives: à;GRUMH…
à;GRUMH… will perform in Charleroi
à;GRUMH… will perform in Charleroi on November 14th 2014 during the art festival Hotel Charleroi.
This will be the ONLY reunion of the three original à;GRUMH… members, PΔ3 lACSAP, JΔ3 sEUQCAJ and SΔ3 eVETS. They will perform tracks from the REBEARTH album, and nEGAPADRES.3.3. tracks, as well as an à;GRUMH… unreleased song.
So be aware, this will NOT be the “EBM” à;GRUMH… but mostly the very original and essential INDUSTRIAL à;GRUMH… but there might be some EBM favourites at the end…
No tickets needed, this is a free art festival and the performance will be in free access, outside, in the ruins of the “VILLE BASSE” currently in rebuilding mode.
The à;GRUMH… 2014 pERFORMàNCE will take place on the stairs of the COLISEUM theater, Rue de Marchienne in 6000 Charleroi. Time is not set yet, but it will probably be 9pm.
There will be fire, noise and sound. Be there.
Check back for details or follow us on FaceBook.
The shame of the european union
Sadly, our song from 25+ years ago is more relevant than ever.
Remember, for dole or inflation, racism is not a solution.
When we wrote this song 26 years ago, the National Front in France had scored 14% in France and we thought it was necessary to say this. Now the National Front scored 26% at the European elections in France (with also an abstention rate of 62% of the people who didn’t go vote – irresponsible idiots) but still…. It is sending Europe a horrible signal, it is confirming other racist or nationalist party’s in their ways, and encouraging rejection and racism all over the continent. Of course all immigrants are not good, many ARE deliquants, undeducated, and don’t seek integration in any ways. But a true majority of immigrants DO seek integration and to live among us in peace and in respect of ur laws and uses, thus making our lives ritcher on economical, cultural and social levels. Expression is a way of fighting, so WE SING.
Quand j’ai écrit cette chanson, en 1988, le Front National avait fait 14% en France. 26 ans plus tard, les voilà faire 25% aux élections européennes. Certes avec un taux d’abstention de 62% (d’irresponsables idiots) mais cela envoie quand même une énorme majorité de députés BRUNS au Parlement Européen. Cette montée apparente du FN encourage tous les autres partis nationalistes et/ou néo-Racistes et/ou pires à travers l’Europe, le repli sur soi-même et le rejet des autres. Sans faire d’angélisme, parce qu’il y a des immigrés délinquants, des profiteurs et des parasites, il faut aussi considérer et applaudir la partie, souvent majoritaire, des populations immigrées qui se sont intégrées à notre mode de vie et nos pays, respectent nos lois et enrichissent notre vie économique, culturelle et sociale. Malheureusement, dans l’immigration comme dans les icebergs, la partie immergée se voit moins. Contre les extrémisme, WE SING.
à;GRUMH… – 22 years later
Photo copyright 2013 by Sophy Thun
Who’s got the right to stamp your face?
SΔ3 eVETS to participate to Arts Festival “Hotel Charleroi”
Hotel Charleroi is a cluster of artists gathered around three artists and which hosts and promotes other artists from all over the word, and based in Charleroi, Belgium. They organize an arts festival with performances and exhibitions every year from the end of august to the beginning of september.
This year, the festival is around the town of Marchienne, “the” industrial subburbs of Charleroi, which inspired à;GRUMH… and where all the shots of the cover of “Mix Yourself!” were made. It is just logical that SΔ3 eVETS was invited to participate to the event. SΔ3 eVETS has worked together with austrian artist Johanna TInzl on a speech turned info performance turned into video, that will be broadcasted as a loop from various locations in Marchienne thourough the whole festival.
Mer information at hotelcharleroi.com and facebook.com/hotelcharleroi
à;GRUMH… now also on Twitter
You can now also talk to à;GRUMH… through Twitter. The account is @Agrumh33 and is handled by SΔ3 eVETS himself. Also please spread the word to use the hashtag #agrumh whenever you mention the band on Twitter or Facebook. Thanks guys!
CIRCLE records page on Facebook
There is now a CIRCLE RECORDS fan page on Facebook.
Many posts have been added already, with links to videos from nEGAPADRES.3.3., Theee Rebearth Corporation, and old industrial ambient à;GRUMH… tracks.
The story behind A CHUD CONVENTION
In 1986, à;GRUMH… toured with Skinny Puppy all over Europe. cEVIN Key, Dwayne and Ogre and us rapidly became good friends due to the promiscuity in our touring van, sound check and… smoking 🙂
When we were driving on the roads of Europe, we played lots of silly games. One of them was the Fart Game. Everybody in the crowded van would fart as bad as they could, and whoever opened a window lost the game. S3 used to create these huge noisy farts of several liters of methane, but not smelling that bad. The winner in that game was always Dwayne. His thing white body produced small farts but of deadly capacity. We usually ALL lost to him as it was impossible to breathe after he had emitted his dethly gasses. We espescially enjoyed this game in Germany, since the highway exits say “AUSFAHRT” which to us sounded a lot like “Out farts” ands triggered the game, or a groupe shouting of “Ausfahrt, Ausfhart, Lekken meine Scheisse”. LOL.
Another habit of ours was to stop at rest areas to take gas, and also fill up with “disgusting food things”, either junk food like pre-packed sandwiches tasting like modelling paste, or chips, banana’s, chocolate, biscuits etc… The habit was called “Chudding” from the movie C.H.U.D. where some monster was living in the sewers of the city. The food we bought being, basically, shit, it was assimilated to shit, ergo sewers, ergo CHUDS – Rot and Assimilate. So each time we stopped at a gas station we yelled “CHUDS” and went raiding the shop for horrible things to nibble on.
Another game we played was NOT to throw our trash anymore but dump it on the floor of the van on purpose, like an ART statement. Trash, papers, wrapping, banana peals, etc, started to pile up to a level of 50cm or more, and was “naturally” flowing out of the van when the doors were opened. We considered the waste as an entity, a growing organism able to reproduce and grow based on the “food” we were prodiving to it. That experiment stopped after 5 days as LIO said it was smelling horribly and he kicked everybody out of the van to clean it and forbid us from starting another bash. 🙁
After the tour was over, we had three days off in Brussels before Skinny Puppy had to fly home to Canada, and we decided we should get into a studio and try to improvize something. We got to Paul Delnoy’s studio one full day, and cEVIN and S3 started improvising basic tracks and came up with one long industrial song. cEVIN basically played the drum machine, and then was spending more time on the phone than focused on the project, so it really ended up more a S3 project with cEVIN and the singers, than a real combination of the entire two bands. After the track was completed, J3 and Ogre improvised some vocals on it. But J3 had got a big cold and was coughing a lot. Dave Ogilvie and Didier Moens were helping Paul Delnoy at the mixing desk.
During the mix, we took off most of J3’s coughing to mix SILENT SORROW that turned out as being the A-Side of the EP, and then, since we saw we wouldn’t have enough time to compose another song and everybody was tired, we just made another mix WITH the coughs and mixed PATIENT SORROW that ended up as the B-Side. The records was released as A CHUD CONVENTION on PIAS/à;GRUMH…’s “Circle Records” label. It sold very minimal at first, but later became a totally cult record. It is revered until now as a very rare piece of industrial music.
à;GRUMH… lyrics
Finally, we have added most of à;GRUMH…’s shocking, provoking and sometimes funny lyrics to this site. The page also serves as a visual discography of the most prominent à;GRUMH… albums. Visit the lyrics section and treat yourself!