Category Archives: nEGAPADRES.3.3.

Brand new album from nEGAPADRES.3.3.

Binche is the brand new album from nEGAPADRES.3.3., the industrial side of à;GRUMH… members JΔ3 sEUQCAJ and SΔ3 eVETS. This new album is dark and weird and ambient and very loud! 

Featuring John Ellis, former member of The Stranglers and The Vibrators, and musician for Peter Gabriel and Peter Hammil! And many more guests. 

Available on CD and digital from Klanggalerie or Bandcamp.


Gilles, le petit Gilles … lance des oranges!? 🍊

nEGAPADRES.3.3. looking for label for new album “Binche”.

nEGAPADRES.3.3. has a new album done and ready to be released, but is looking for a label to do so, following the bankrupcy of Hermetique records.

The album is entitled “Binche” and is made of 13 tracks of pure dark industrial music and one “lounge” rhythmic industrial track.

Any label interested can contact S3 about this at

A late report from the 2014 à;GRUMH… performance @ the Hotel Charleroi art festival


On November 14th, 2014, à;GRUMH… has performed in Charleroi during the art festival Hotel Charleroi. You can find tons of photos from the event in this gallery on our Facebook page.


The band appeared on a stage improvised at the top of the entrance stairs of the Coliseum theater, surrounded by red walls, on red carpet with esoteric paintings on the walls. A movie by JCSΔ47 was projected on the ceiling. Strange animal heads, made of skinned sheep heads with pig ears nailed to them, were displayed and have been used with hands, faces and tongues on them. The music was loud. First song, GANJA set an ambiance of surprise, calm and respect. The audience spread amongst the stairs, downstairs, through the open doors and in the rainy street, was captivated. JΔ3 sEUQCAJ fronted the show, backed by PΔ3 lACSAP dressed in a white overall and mask, and SΔ3 eVETS wearing a long black cachemire coat, shaved head, sitting on a kind of throne. Guest musician Joke Magnussen played guitar with us for most of the show.



Audience featured BΔ40 oNURB who drove all the way from Switzerland, Stefan Schwanke from Ironflame records who flew from Berlin and Minà Yamada who came especially from Sapporo, Japan, to attend the show. At the mixing desk, Dirk Ivens from The Klinik and Peter from Bimfest were mixing and recording. Johanna Tinzl, the austrian artist, shot the whole show with her camera whilst Sophy Thun and Laurent Lenclud were making photos all though the show, before and after. Many musician friends were present, among whom Fransix and Micheline from SIC, DanHiel from TrackZoid, Pliphon Nipiège from Glädztock and of course Hilaire Belleau.


Track list included mostly songs from the Rebearth album, full live version of Unclean, an unreleased track called Bertha, as well as EBM favorites Caterpillar, Penser & Agir and as encore, Edito. Echoes from the show indicate a full success, both from the people and the professionnals. From “very good” to “genius” and terms like “magical” came out which warmed the heart of the very old members of the band (SΔ3 eVETS is currently 67 years old).

The complete video of the concert might be released as a DVD. The recording of the live show could also be released, either on its own, or along with a live show from the WWW Tour 89/90, or more.


The band does not plan any more reunions for the next 13 years.

Hotel Charleroi

We’re closing this report with a backstage performance featuring Joke Magnussen:

à;GRUMH… will perform in Charleroi


à;GRUMH… will perform in Charleroi on November 14th 2014 during the art festival Hotel Charleroi.

This will be the ONLY reunion of the three original à;GRUMH… members, PΔ3 lACSAP, JΔ3 sEUQCAJ and SΔ3 eVETS. They will perform tracks from the REBEARTH album, and nEGAPADRES.3.3. tracks, as well as an à;GRUMH… unreleased song.

So be aware, this will NOT be the “EBM” à;GRUMH… but mostly the very original and essential INDUSTRIAL à;GRUMH… but there might be some EBM favourites at the end…

No tickets needed, this is a free art festival and the performance will be in free access, outside, in the ruins of the “VILLE BASSE” currently in rebuilding mode.

The à;GRUMH… 2014 pERFORMàNCE will take place on the stairs of the COLISEUM theater, Rue de Marchienne in 6000 Charleroi. Time is not set yet, but it will probably be 9pm.

There will be fire, noise and sound. Be there.

Check back for details or follow us on FaceBook.

CIRCLE records page on Facebook

There is now a CIRCLE RECORDS fan page on Facebook.


Many posts have been added already, with links to videos from nEGAPADRES.3.3., Theee Rebearth Corporation, and old industrial ambient à;GRUMH… tracks.

Famous Writer Amélie NOTHOMB likes “La Phobie du Cheval”

As a writer himself, S3 has got into contact with many people of the edition world, and amongst those, the famous belgian writer AMELIE NOTHOMB (20 best seller novels, some translated to english and other languages). Amélie is a fabulous personna, wearing huge hats, claiming she has the habit of eating almot-rotten fruits. She is strange in a fascinating way, fabulous and highly intelligent.

As a part of their correspondance, S3 has sent Amélie the last album of nEGAPADRES.3.3. “La Phobie du Cheval” and Amélie has just answered saying she was impressed by the album, describing it as stupefying, like drugs ! She also said whe was very impressed.

Cher Philippe,

Merci pour “La Phobie du Cheval”.  Titre superbe !

C’est une oeuvre stupéfiante ! Et je m’y connais, sinon en oeuvres, au moins en stupéfiants ! Bravo.



(PS : Vous m’impressionnez)

Very Rare à;GRUMH… track to be re-released.

A very rare track of à;GRUMH… called “S.B.” which had been released in the 80’s on some tape compilations, will be featured on the forthcoming complation by Klinik’s DIRK IVENS :




See more info when the release comes

New nEGAPADRES.3.3. Album out in no time !

“La Phobie du Cheval”, the new album from S3 & J3’s nEGAPADRES.3.3. has finally arrived from the manufacturer.

The cd’s are superb, the cover is marvellous.

Hermetique records has not yet issued an official release date but the band is scheduling a very private launch party for July 30th…